A message from President and Vice-Chancellor
Professor Lisa Roberts
Thank you for considering leaving a planned gift to the University of Exeter in your Will. Gifts in Wills have a significant and lasting impact upon Exeter’s education and research mission, creating lasting benefits for our students and staff, and ultimately our ability to have an impact on lives and societies within our region and across the world. A planned gift is a way for alumni to live on through Exeter and ensure it always remains the University you love and remember.
Thank you for considering leaving a planned gift to the University of Exeter in your Will. Gifts in Wills have a significant and lasting impact upon Exeter’s education and research mission, creating lasting benefits for our students and staff, and ultimately our ability to have an impact on lives and societies within our region and across the world. A planned gift is a way for alumni to live on through Exeter and ensure it always remains the University you love and remember.
From scholarships, bursaries and research funding to clinical trials, buildings and the arts, your support will help us to build a better future. Gifts in Wills allow our researchers to make vital breakthroughs in the fight against diseases and discover innovative solutions to global challenges such as climate change. Your support will help us to transform lives, allowing us to create opportunities for future students and ensuring that we continue to provide world-class excellence in education and the student experience.
We are immensely grateful for all the support we receive; each and every gift makes an incredible difference. I hope you choose to be a part of the Exeter community that is leading the way to a greener, healthier and fairer future.
Professor Lisa Roberts FRSB FRSA
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive University of Exeter
Thank you

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