Welcome to your alumni community
On completing your studies you will join a community of University of Exeter alumni, a supportive global community willing to help you achieve your full potential.
Exeter graduates have been making a positive difference to the lives of others for over 100 years. From internationally recognised business people and lawyers, to inspirational politicians and teachers, to critically acclaimed journalists and artists, this is a fellowship of friends and peers.
Our alumni go on to do amazing things and we hope you’ll keep in touch to tell us your story, get involved in our events, play an active role in your Exeter community, and continue the story of Exeter’s success in years to come.
How we help you
How you help us
Our alumni and friends have helped Exeter become one of the very best universities in the world.
Alumni support the University in many different ways. Some volunteer their time helping current students. Others donate to support our students, our research, or our facilities. Some are ‘country contacts’, organising alumni networks and events in cities around the world. Some simply inspire us with their incredible achievements.
We're in touch with more than
alumni in
countries across the world.
alumni volunteered last year to support Exeter students, donating more than
hours of their time.
Donors supported the University.
Graduating class has the highest number of donors and volunteers.
Thanks to our generous alumni and supporters, the total raised for the University in the last ten years is over
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